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Isaiah 4:2 “In that day the Branch of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel.”


The body of Christ is experiencing a paradigm shift from church service to kingdom building. As God moves toward creating “new wine” to be placed into “new wineskin”, He is making this shift known to those who have an “ear to hear what the spirit has to say to the church”(Revelation 3:22). God is shifting the church back to its Apostolic roots and rebranding it into a new era of Apostleship that can be found in the Apostolic Hubs being planted throughout varies territories and regions.

About Antioch

As an Apostolic Hub, Antioch’s assignment is to take its partners from a journey of self- discovery to a place of spiritual awareness that will enable them to walk out spiritual gifting.


ACWC believes in spiritual gifts according to Romans 12:4-8, Ephesians 4:11-12, and 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. We also believe in God’s appointments of officers to the church in accordance with 1 Corinthians 12:28. Antioch desires to position its partners to be able to walk in the offices/leadership positions in which they have been called. Prophetically, we move in accordance with the Holy Spirit and allows Him to be our guide.


ACWC primarily serves as a training center. The HUB serves two groups of people: those who have been called to assist with the vision and those who come for training to move confidently in what God has called them to do.God has assigned a team of leaders to serve alongside its Chief Apostle to help with walking out the vision that has been mandated by God. ACWC is part of the GROW network under the leadership and direction of Chief Apostle Raheem Turane.


ACWC seeks to serve the Body of Christ through Leadership, Governance, Discipleship, Deliverance, and Kingdom Economics. The core functions of ACWC can be found within its focus on relationship building and leadership development.


ACWC can successfully create these dynamics by teaching its partners how to serve one another through fellowship, dialogue, platform sharing, as well as, growing biblically, spiritually, and financially.

A Supportive Hug


ACWC’s mission is to bring its partners to the knowledge and understanding of the sovereignty of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the role that each of us has been called to play in establishing His kingdom here on earth. In addition, Antioch has been commissioned to serve as an Apostolic HUB overseeing Apostolic Churches.


The growth and development of our partners is based on a 3-step process:   


I. Embracing identity - discipleship training and mentoring (Romans 12:5-8)


II. Understanding assignment -five-fold ministry leadership training and leadership

appointments through FaithWalk University (Ephesians 4:11-13, 1 Corinthians 12:28)


III. Advancing the kingdom – entrepreneur opportunities, investments, and workplace sphere

of influence (Deuteronomy 8:18)


Our Core values are:

1. Leading with excellence

2. Renewing our minds

3. Expansion of wealth to advance the Kingdom of God

Apostolic Team

God has assigned to Antioch a team of leaders that are subject matter experts (SMEs) in their field of service. The team members have specific responsibilities and have been charged with using their gifts and talents to push forward God’s vision. Those who wish to serve as part of the leadership team will go through a vetting process before being received as a part of the team.


The team leaders are responsible for the development of policy and procedures as it relates to their specific sphere of influence. These policies are used as part of the onboarding process for individuals who have been called to assist them with their leadership assignment.


The leaders are also responsible for leading the worship services. The team exercises their gifts in service from singing to preaching to praying to ministering on the altar. Team members found faithful

and committed are also eligible to participate in the worship service.


All Hands In
Worship Services

Our services are somewhat traditional with worship and the altar call being the central focus. The preached Word can be delivered by any one of the team members, not just the senior Apostle.


Outside of the team members who have been assigned to serve at the HUB by God, ACWC doesn’t actively look for members as we are not a traditional church, however, we do believe in baby dedications, water baptism, communion, and walking individuals through salvation.


If we walk someone through salvation and that individual is not a member of a local church, then we will welcome them as new partners of ACWC as we will not leave anyone that is newly saved uncovered.


The new partners will go through a traditional new members’ class after which they will be assigned to serve on a ministry team.

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antioch christian

10934 Hull ST Road

Midlothian, VA  23112

2022 Designed by Clear Media Productions

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